Your Publishing Biz System Review & OTO UPSELL by Ken Bluttman is Brand New Training And Software Will Have You Creating Your Own Books in Record Time with All the videos showing details about the book market overall, and the step by step videos, all will make sense for the kids book market too.
Your Publishing Biz System by Ken Bluttman is New Software System and all inclusive training product that shows complete beginners how to get started in the low content self-publishing business. The Your Publishing Biz is focused on the adult book market, however this does apply to children’s books as well. This product is great for those who want to make money online. Your Publishing Biz can be marketed as a publishing product or a general make money online product. Contains over 40 training videos and software that creates the book interiors.Anyone can create and publish a book in just hours after using YourPublishing Biz. Puzzle books, activity books, coloring books, journals are all easy to make. You don’t even need to know how to do puzzles or have any art ability to make coloring books. This might be something you are not aware of! And that’s okay, that’s why I am pleased to explain it all. The low content book market is something else entirely! There is little or no writing. And yet low content books sell like hotcakes. Many of the best selling books are indeed low content books. My training is a proven powerhouse. I invite you to learn about low content self-publishing for yourself. I created this beginner level program for people who are ready to make a positive change in their life. Without a doubt this is one of the easiest and fun things you can do and make money from. Creating and publishing books is very rewarding! You can get started with low content publishing quite easily! Most low content books are published on Amazon, and it costs nothing to do so. Really all you need to do is follow the steps. You could publish your first book in just hours from now. Grab Your Publishing Biz Softeare & Training with 30 days MOneyback Guarantee!

Your Publishing Biz Review
Introducing Your Publishing Biz – The premier program that teaches all you need to know to get started in the low content book business. Created by a pro low content publisher and course creator, Your Publishing Biz shows all, and will help you get your first book published in record time.
– Perfect for beginners, no previous knowledge needed
– Includes full training and software
– Create your first book and get it published
– Find out where to get content for interiors
– Learn about ads and scaling your business
Here’s how Your Publishing Biz works:
- Inside Your Publishing Biz you will find detailed video training and software that creates either word search puzzles or coloring book images.
- The training starts from the very beginning and is great if you are brand new to the self-publishing. The videos start with the most basic concepts and work up from there.
- Then there is a substantial section of the basics. In here are several videos covering everything from types of books to how to price them to understanding the use of pen names, and so much more!
- Next is the ‘Your First Book’ section in which the creation and publication of a real book is shown step by step. All you need to do is follow along to create your own first book, and publish it on the Amazon marketplace.
- The training is focused on the adult book market, however this does apply to children’s books as well. All the videos showing details about the book market overall, and the step by step videos, all will make sense for the kids book market too.
- You do not need any previous knowledge or skills to publish your first book!
What You Are Getting Inside Your Publishing Biz :
- Complete Training About How To Start Your Own Self Publishing Business
- Over 40 Instructional Videos
- Step By Step Over The Shoulder Case Study Of Creating and Publishing A Book On the Amazon KDP Platform
- Software That Creates Word Search Puzzles And Coloring Book Pages
- Invite To Our Private Facebook Group With Over 3000 Members
Act Today And Get These Exciting Bonuses!
- 200 Great iche Ideas
- 25 Mandala Coloring Images
Frequently Asked Questions
- What type of computer do I need?
Doesn’t matter. The only thing required is a connection to the internet. This is cloud based – a website on the internet. - I don’t know anything about publishing. Will this work for me?
Of course! No previous knowledge is needed. The training shows you everything, and the software creates word search puzzles or coloring pages. - How much does it cost to publish a book on Amazon?
It doesn’t cost anything. Amazon’s Kindle Print platform is free to use. You will need to setup an account on Amazon so you can receive royalties from your book sales. - Will I be charged any monthly fees?
No, there are none. This is a one-time purchase. - Are there any upsells?
Yes. Everything you need to start is in the main package. There is one optional upsell which is a set of video interviews with people who are successfuly making money with low content books. Their knowledge and wisdom is priceless. - What is your refund policy?
You have 30 days to get a 100% refund. - Am I allowed Commercial Use for activities and puzzles created by Your Publishing Biz?
Yes, all generated, downloadable content created or provided by the Your Publishing Biz system is full commercial use. Personal rights are granted for the use of the software and training itself. The software cannot be resold, however the downloadable content is yours to do as you wish with it. - How can I get support?
Contact for technical issues or purchase questions. For training followup, join the Facebook group. The invite for the group is in the members area. - Will I be making eBooks?
No. Ebooks are digital. The types of low content books taught in this trainig typically require a person to interact with the book in some way – do puzzles, write, do activities, etc. As such people need to write in the books. Only physical books are suited for this. - Does this work for Kids Books?
The training is focused on the adult book market, however this does apply to children’s books as well. All the videos showing details about the book market overall, and the step by step videos, all will make sense for the kids book market too. - When someone orders a book, do I have to ship it myself?
No, when someone orders your book on Amazon/KDP, Amazon prints and ships the book directly to the customer. You do not have to be involved with that at all. - Can you guarentee I will make money with this?
No, it depends on your efforts. The training shows you how to get started with low content self-publishing. The opportunity to make money is certainly there, but it is really up to you to apply what you learn and do the work to make it happen. This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a real business that thousands of people do.
Your Publishing Biz can be marketed as either a publishing product or a general make money online product. No previous knowledge or skills are needed. The training shows everything a person needs to know to start in this lucrative business. Software is included that can make coloring pages and word search puzzles. This allows a brand new to publishing person to actually create their first book in minutes. And all generated, downloadable content created or provided by the Your Publishing Biz system is full commercial use. Personal rights are granted for the use of the software and training itself. The software cannot be resold, however the downloadable content is yours to do as you wish with it. Also it depends on your efforts. The training shows you how to get started with low content self-publishing. The opportunity to make money is certainly there, but it is really up to you to apply what you learn and do the work to make it happen. This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is a real business that thousands of people do. We Offer An Unconditonal 30 Day Full Refund. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our product, please write the support desk to request a refund. Grab Your Publishing Biz Softeare & Training with 30 days MOneyback Guarantee Here !
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Your Publishing Biz System OTO UPSELL Review & Download Here – New Training and software for starting a low content self publishing business. Full training, case study, software to create content and more.
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Main Product : Your Publishing Biz System by Ken Bluttman
UPSELL #1 : Your Publishing Biz Interviews OTO.