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PROFITSHORTZ App By Mike Mckay Review & OTO – Brand New “Tiktok Killer” Software Lets You Create Pro-Level Short Videos & Publish Them Within Minutes.

ProfitShortz App By Mike Mckay Review & OTO – Brand New “Tiktok Killer” Software Lets You Create Pro-Level Short Videos & Publish Them Within Minutes. Lets You Dominate TikTok & Youtube With This 1-Click Video Shorts Creator. 

ProfitShortz App & OTO By Mike Mckay is Brand New “Tiktok Killer” Software Lets You Create Pro-Level Short Videos & Publish Them Within Minutes. ProfitShortz Creates Any Niche Short Videos With 1 Click! Ability To Use Our “Algorithm Hacking” To Access Unlimited Free Traffic!  ProfitShortz Create short videos with 1 click in any niche for any keyword. Use other people’s videos so there’s no video creation or editing required on your end. And You can simply clone, cut & publish other people’s successful campaign. It Gets Better… Dominate Your Competition! Short Videos Are Pulling In 5 Trillion Views A Month. How would you like to be able to create pro-level short videos, edit and publish them to TikTok, Youtube Shorts and Instagram Reels within the next 2 minutes? Better yet, imagine if minutes from now you could have your very own video maker that enables you to finally create the traffic pulling videos you’ve always wanted… but without any video creation required… by using other people’s videos. What if this software also came with commercial license so you can SELL videos to other people. And It’s All 100% Newbie Friendly. 100% Done for you. 200% money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you (it will!). Just Check and Try ProfitShortz App Here!

ProfitShortz App is the ultimate video creator & publisher that’s Affordable and easy to use By anyone! Tap Into The Full Power Of Video Shorts For TikTok, Youtube Shorts & InstaGram Reels!  It’s fully in the cloud, it’s SIMPLE to use and it lets you do everything you could dream of with video…and Much more (you get the point!). Just Login To Our Stunning Cloud-Based Short Video Creation Software! Next Insert Your Keyword And Let ProfitShortz Auto-Curate, Cut And Publish Your Short Video!  We’re Literally Handing Over The FULL Benefits Of TikTok World Domination While Removing 100% Of The Obstacles! Imagine being the ONLY one in your marketplace using the superior technology of ProfitShortz – so you’re able to have the best looking videos on Earth without having to pay thousands for them or waste hours creating them yourself. These videos will work for you 24/7 getting you traffic and making you sales, while everyone else (including other TikTok stars & Youtube “influencers”) have to use expensive, bloated software that’s hard to use and can’t get the same level of quality. Plus you’re paying a small one-time fee for ProfitShortz, and they’re paying for staff, equipment, etc. Not to mention how much it costs other marketers to pay for quality videos – while you can create them for yourself with 1 click. Bottom line is this: you end up the dominant force in your marketplace, all while radically cutting your costs down. You’re About To Get Access The Revolutionary New Software That Will Allow You To Triple Your Business With Just A Few Clicks! Download ProfitShortz App Here!

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PSHORTZ4OFF’ for $4 off ALL items in the funnel!

ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu

ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu

ProfitShortz App Features :

  • Create Short Videos With 1 Click In Any Niche For Any Keyword
  • Instantly Publish To Youtube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram & FB Reels
  • AI Based Video Creator & Editor Makes It All Take Only SECONDS
  • Use Other People’s Videos: Zero Video Creation Required On Your End
  • COMMERCIAL LICENSE Built In: Sell Videos To Local Businesses Or Provide Video Making Services
  • Create Jaw-Dropping Attention Getting Thumbnails (Just Like You See On Youtube)
  • Simply Clone, Cut & Publish Other People’s Successful Campaigns
  • Auto-Add Your Affiliate Link To Millions Of Offers In Any Niche
  • Use their “Algorithm Hacking” To Get Ranked In Front Of Millions Of People
  • Virtually Unlimited Free Traffic From The World’s Hottest Platforms
  • DFY Templates Built-In
  • Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Encryption Protects You, Your Privacy And Personal Data
  • ProfitShortz is 100% Newbie Friendly
  • No Monthly Fees – Pay Once, Use Forever
  • Double Your Money Back Guarantee
  • 24/7 Support From Marketing Gurus

ProfitShortz Automates Free Traffic & Makes You The World’s Next Big TikTok Star In Just 3 Simple Steps!

  • STEP 1. Login To Our Stunning Cloud-Based Short Video Creation Software!
    (There is NOTHING for you to download, install or configure)
  • STEP 2. Insert Your Keyword And Let ProfitShortz Auto-Curate, Cut And Publish Your Short Video!
    (The AI video maker does it all for you so there’s ZERO video editing required on your end)
  • STEP 3. With 1-Click Send Your Short Video To TikTok, Youtube Shorts and Instagram Reels!
    (Leverage the tools these platforms give you to make them compete against each other, get #1 rankings and visibility and use our “algorithm hacker” to get in front of millions)

ProfitShortz App is perfect for You :

  • Any Internet Marketer, regardless of the niche, who wants to make more money!
  • People who want to live the “Internet Lifestyle” and see dollar signs every time they press the “PUBLISH VIDEO SHORT” button on their ProfitShortz account!
  • Anyone who wants easy profits without having to configure anything themselves!
  • Anyone looking to quit their 9-5, experience freedom and clear outstanding debt!
  • Marketers who want to absolutely DOMINATE and THRIVE even in negative situations like the present!
  • Marketers who want to be their own boss, get traffic and make sales on demand whenever they need or want to!
  • People with sites, products or affiliate offers that they want to make more sales from and get more traffic to!
  • People who know how powerful video marketing is, and want to get “in” on the ground level of this NEXT LEVEL revolution called ProfitShortz!

Nigel Willis – ProfitShortz User & Newbie Marketer
“ProfitShortz has enabled me to start a thriving video marketing business. All I had to do was post a video maker gig on Fiverr and BOOM: money flows into my account. Then ProfitShortz helps me do the rest: from animations to filters and even subtitles, it all takes seconds using the AI editor. I can pump short videos like there’s no tomorrow and the demand for them on Fiverr is just INSANE! The quality of the video output is unparalleled, and I get raving reviews from clients who keep asking for more. I’ve already made back 1000x the cost of ProfitShortz. I almost don’t want to write this review so I can keep the software for myself, haha! In all honesty, just get it: it will be the best decision you’ve ever made.”

ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu

ProfitShortz OTO :

Front End : ProfitShortz App by Mike Mckay

Everything You’re Getting Inside Of ProfitShortz FE

  • Cloud-Based “TikTok Killer” Video Software! $997 Value
  • Groundbreaking Tech Creates Any Niche Short Videos With 1 Click! $997 Value
  • Ability To Use Our “Algorithm Hacking” To Access Unlimited Free Traffic! $997 Value
  • Thumbnail Creator Makes You Stand Out! $997 Value
  • Publish & Share Instantly to TikTok, Youtube Shorts & Instagram Reels! $997 Value
  • Commercial License Built-In! $697 Value
  • Ability To Use Other People’s Videos So No Video Creation/Editing Required! $697 Value
  • AI-Based Editor Meaning Your Role Is Minimal! $697 Value
  • “Platform SEO” Gets You #1 When People Search For Your Keyword! $497 Value
  • Built-In Video Templates! $497 Value
  • Done-For-You INCLUDED Affiliate Offers & Videos! $497 Value
  • Leverage The Tools These Platforms PROVIDE In Their Fight Against Each Other! $397 Value
  • Clone, Cut & Publish Other People’s Successful Campaigns! $397 Value
  • Subtitles Let You Reach A World-Wide Audience! $397 Value
  • Built-In Over-The-Shoulder-Training & Case Studies! $397 Value
  • Full SSL Encryption Keeps Your Data SAFE & Privacy Protected! $397 Value
  • 24/7 White Glove Support! $397 value

Promo Coupon: Use ‘PSHORTZ4OFF’ for $4 off ALL items in the funnel!

OTO #1 : ProfitShortz Pro Unlimited

PRO version unleashes the very best features that not even Fortune 500 companies have. Features that individually cost hundreds of dollars a month…packaged together into an irresistible one-time offer! With Our ProfitShortz PRO Upgrade, You Get No Restrictions, Create unlimited videos of unlimited length for an unlimited number of clients. You’re also not limited in the quality of your video output – ProfitShortz PRO comes with 4K rendering built in! Dedicated Video Player, You’re getting our in-house dedicated video player to use for your own videos, or upsell to your clients!

ProfitShortz PRO Unlocks 8 Next-Level Features :

  • Unlock “Unlimited Everything” For PRO Marketers
    The first feature that ProfitShortz PRO brings is that you’re no longer limited in your marketing.
    You see – all previous limitations are now removed: that means creating unlimited videos of unlimited length for an unlimited numbers of clients.
    You’re also not limited in the quality of your video output – ProfitShortz PRO comes with 4K rendering built in!
  • Unlock Your Very Own Dedicated Video Player
    You’re getting our in-house dedicated video player to use for your own videos, or upsell to your clients.
    You can use it on your own sales pages or funnels or even to host your clients’ videos.
    Dedicated video players can cost hundreds of dollars a month – ours comes built into ProfitShortz PRO and has unlimited bandwidth and hosting!
    Say GOODBYE! To Wistia or Vimeo PRO – ProfitShortz is all you need!
  • Say “Hello!” To Text-To-Speech
    ProfitSHORTZ PRO gives you the ability to turn any written text into cursive speech, in ANY language! That’s right – Text to Speech is now a ProfitSHORTZ feature!
    You can use it in your own videos OR sell text-to-speech services on Fiverr (those usually sell for hundreds of dollars a minute!)
    This module comes pre-built into ProfitShortz PRO so all you have to do to turn written text into audio or video is click 1 button (no need for you, or anyone else to record or edit anything!)
  • In-House VSL Script Creator
    ProfitShortz PRO has its very own VSL Script Creator. All you have to do is insert your keyword, and ProfitShortz PRO will output a stunning video sales letter script you can use to shoot incredible videos yourself, or just sell to other people for hundreds of dollars a piece!
  • Additional PRO-Level Features
    You get lots of PRO-level features that not even Fortune 500 companies have access to:
    I’m talking about the ability to record with your mobile phone, get pro-level stats & reporting on how your videos are performing, and even add intros and outros from the ProfitShortz PRO built-in library.
    So you can now do more than you ever could before with a video editor!
    Instant Priority Processing & Rendering At 4K Resolution – $697 Value
    ProfitShortz PRO comes with Instant Priority Processing & Rendering. You see normal videos are rendered at 5 minute intervals in order not to overwhelm the server.
    Well with PRO you get to skip the queue and make sure your videos get rendered, processed & published the SECOND you press the “EXPORT” button!
    You’re also not limited in the quality of your video output – ProfitShortz PRO comes with 4K rendering built in!
  • Premium Support
    We all know the struggle of getting help with a product purchased online. Heck, half of the time you won’t even find a person able to speak English. What’s more, they probably won’t be able to help with any technical issues.
    Worse yet, it may even take days if not WEEKS to finally get a pointless answer that gets you back to square one – read massive FRUSTRATION!
    We’re offering a change to that with our Premium Concierge Support integration.
    You will be able to get problem-solving answers in MINUTES (or hours at most) from your own PERSONAL support concierge.
    You read that right. We’re giving you a person available 24/7 just for YOU that will be able to resolve your issues quickly and get you on your way to greatness.
    These á-la-carte services will help you focus on the one thing that’s important: growing your business and we’ll always be there to help!
    PERSONAL support concierge
    Available 24/7
    Specially trained to answer any and all tech issues and fluent in English
  • In-Depth Training
    ProfitShortz PRO comes with in-depth video training on how to start your own video marketing services to local & online businesses using the built-in commercial license provided!

OTO #2 : ProfitShortz Enterprise Edition

ProfitShortz Enterprise is 100% Newbie-Friendly Make Money Like The Gurus Everything Is DFY PLUS Double Your Money Back Guarantee! By getting our Enterprise version which unleashes the very best features that not even Fortune 500 companies have! These have all been fine-tuned to increase your sales with zero extra work for you! With Our ProfitShortz Enterprise Upgrade, You Get Your Own ProfitShortz Store, Showcase and sell your videos, offer on-demand video creation services, sell video packs and even sell fully fledged video courses you create with ProfitShortz! Broadcast On Multiple Platforms, Publish and share your video across all the major social media platforms: from Youtube, to WhatsApp and Instagram!

Unlock The 8 Exclusive Upgrade Features :

  • Premium ProfitShortz Store
    With ProfitShortz Enterprise you get your very own ProfitShortz Store, that lets you showcase and sell your videos, offer on-demand video creation services, sell video packs and even sell fully-fledged video courses you create with ProfitShortz.
    It’s your one-stop shop solution complete with payment processing, delivery and even your own sales pages – with built-in hosting and traffic.
    PLUS you can now sell more than just video services: SEO, website design and even software is all built-in right into ProfitShortz Store, so you can now upsell your clients to more expensive services and products too!
  • Say “Hello!” To InstaGram & WhatsApp Broadcasting
    Most of your customers don’t spend all their time on Youtube. So imagine how cool it would be after you target them with a WhatsApp message, that you follow up with them inside Instagram?
    That’s right: ProfitShortz Enterprise has a fully-fledged social media module, complete with lead generation and messaging. That means you simply insert a hashtag and the software will automatically send a video to anyone who has ever used, liked or followed that particular hashtag, niche or interest.
    How cool is that?!
    It works across BOTH Instagram and WhatsApp and we even give you integrated SMTPs – so there is zero cost for you for unlimited traffic from InstaGram and WhatsApp now built straight into ProfitShortz!
  • Private Cloud Storage For Your ProfitShortz Videos & Files
    Your very own cloud-based storage, so you could keep your messages, media, files or campaigns stored safely in the cloud inside our unlimited storage account.
    It’ like your personal Dropbox you don’t have to pay for. You can even use it for family photos, documents or other important files you want to keep a backup of.
    And sharing files with others is always just 1 click away!
  • Deluxe Built-In Video Encryption
    ProfitShortz now lets you encrypt your videos with a password so only your buyers or friends can access important information you share with them (such as for example delivery videos for a course after they make a purchase).
    Plus it builds in that extra layer of trust between you and them when they see the relationship is “exclusive” and not everyone can access the link shared unless they have a password.
    BONUS: we’re even offering automated malware protection for yourself and those who access your videos so you never get your videos compromised or hacked!
  • Full Auto-Backup & Copyright Protection
    ProfitShortz now lets you encrypt your links with a password so only your buyers or friends can access important information you share with them (such as delivery files after they make a purchase.)
    Plus it builds in that extra layer of trust between you and them when they see the relationship is “exclusive” and not everyone can access the link shared unless they have a password.
    BONUS: we’re even offering automated malware protection & backups for yourself and those you message so you never get your WhatsApp account compromised or hacked!
  • Premium Collaboration Features & Outsourcer’s License
    On top of all of that, ProfitShortz gives you outsourcers license and the ability to enable your videos to be taken over by your assistants, developers or designers without sharing your full account access with them. Safe and secure, 100% automated.
    And you even get in-depth analytics to track your progress and results along the way!
  • In-Depth Training
    Use our over-the-shoulder case studies and proven video marketing & sales training to learn everything there Is to know about generating traffic, making sales and running a lifestyle business directly from us with in-depth case studies, over-the-shoulder training and actionable information you can implement from day 1!
  • Full 1-On-1 Personal Support
    Are you sick and tired of reaching out to support for a product only to get back an unintelligible response from a person who has no clue what they are even talking about (and barely speaks proper English to begin with!?)
    With ProfitShortz Enterprise, that’s ALL a thing of the past: whenever you have any question you can reach out DIRECTLY to either the actual product creator behind ProfitShortz for any technical questions or to the actual marketers behind ProfitShortz for any marketing assistance.

OTO #3 : ProfitShortz DFY Done For You

ProfitShortz DFY automates start-to-finish getting you big-ticket commissions and sales like never before – to the tune of $434 for every visitor you get!

  • It includes commercial rights to our top selling software tools that you can sell as your own and keep 100% of the profits!
  • Comes with done-for-you templates & affiliate reviews that you can just copy/paste right into ProfitShortz – include your affiliate links and start seeing sales hit your account!
  • Slideshows included: just copy/paste inside ProfitShortz, add your link, and let the software get sales for you…it’s really THAT easy!
  • We handle marketing, sales, support, updates, etc. – you keep 100% of the profits!
  • All done-for-you reviews are SEO optimized to get you easy organic & viral traffic!
  • OTOs and Upgrades are built-in, so a simple $16 software sale can turn into a $400+ fat commission – all from one single visitor!

OTO #4 : ProfitShortz Reseller License

You can get an AGENCY license to ProfitShortz. Which means you will keep 100% of what customers pay you. NOT JUST THAT – You can use all our marketing pages, our amazing high converting videos and our sales copy to make all your sales. We’ve spent thousands of dollars in making our marketing pages perfect and we’re letting you use them to make profits and keep it all for yourself. Oh and the best part is… WE TAKE CARE OF ALL THE SUPPORT. You don’t have to do anything, just collect your 100% profit and find a way to spend it!

We’ve Decided To LET YOU Sell ProfitShortz And Keep 100% Of The Profits For Yourself.

  • On this page only, you can get an AGENCY license to ProfitShortz. Which means you will keep 100% of what customers pay you!
  • NOT JUST THAT – You can use all our marketing pages, our amazing high converting videos and our sales copy to make all your sales!
  • We’ve spent thousands of dollars in making our marketing pages perfect and we’re letting you use them to make profits and keep it all for yourself!
  • Oh and the best part is… WE TAKE CARE OF ALL THE SUPPORT!
  • You don’t have to do anything, just collect your 100% profit and find a way to spend it!


  • Marketing Pages – INCLUDED
  • Sales Videos –INCLUDED
  • Members Area –INCLUDED
  • 7 Figure Email Swipes –INCLUDED
  • 7 Figure Instagram Messages –INCLUDED

OTO #5 : ProfitShortz IMX Bundle

Get Access To All Of Our Best Sellers. That’s right: you are 1 click away from having access to every single tool you’ll EVER need to market online. These are all best selling products who have been previously launched for thousands of dollars – all yours today at a one time low price.

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’re getting:

  • #1 ContentPress 100% Unique Content Creator
    This Revolutionary App Lets You Create 100% Unique Content, Articles and even eBooks With 1 Click & Get Traffic To It On Autopilot!
  • #2 Profit Enigma Unique Product & Service Generator
    DFY Cloud Software Creates Done-For-You Products & Services From Scratch With 24/7 FREE Traffic & $1,000 Commissions Built-In!!
  • #3 AgencyPress Done-For-You Agency Business Generator
    Jaw-Dropping DFY Tech Lets You Find Desperate Businesses And Sell Them Services Like SEO, Website Design or GDPR (ALL 100% Automated By The App!)
  • #4 TrafficMate Unique Traffic Generator
    New Cloud Software Generates Unlimited, Targeted, Free Traffic To Any Site, Link or Affiliate Offer With The Push Of A Button!

ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu

ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu
ProfitShortz Video Software Review + OTO by Radu Hahaianu

What REAL Video & TikTok Experts Have To Say About It… ProfitShortz Verified Expert User

  • Art Flair, 6 Figure Marketer
    I was fortunate enough to get an early copy of ProfitShortz and let me tell you I’ve been blown away by how easy it was for me to create my best looking videos ever… with zero actual input from me aside from inserting keywords and picking templates. It’s all step by step, 100% newbie friendly and the support the guys offer is unparalleled. You don’t even need your own content. It’s not one of those software where you’re left to figure everything out by yourself! Not to mention, the quality of the videos I was able to generate with ProfitShortz is jaw dropping! I highly recommend this to anyone!
  • Venkata Ramana, 7 Figure App Vendor
    Local businesses I work with are blown away by the videos I’m able to get for them using ProfitShortz! The app has so many pro-level features and they are all made stupid simple at newbie-level using the AI editor. Just tell it what you want and it generates the perfect video edit for you no matter the project or level of difficulty! Just get ProfitShortz, insert client details and sell them the videos generated for $500-$1000 per video! I highly recommend ProfitShortz to any marketer!
  • KME Byrne, Youtube Marketer
    ProfitShortz has my highest recommendation! In all my years of marketing I’ve never seen a software that “levels the playing field” quite as much as ProfitShortz. It takes the power of video and gives it to anyone who has the software. No need to use a screen recorder, a video expert or even be any good at video yourself. Just hit publish and use the templates they give you, and your videos will look better than anything produced by your competitors. It’s Hollywood-level of quality, while being the easiest to use software I’ve seen in my life. Trust me, it couldn’t get easier than that. ProfitShortz is 2022’s Product of the Year!


  • Is it Cloud-Based? Yes, it is a cloud-based app easy to access from anywhere. Works with Mac, PC and mobile.
  • Does this Work For Any Niche? Yes, it will create quality videos in any niche or for any product.
  • Does ProfitShortz Cost A Monthly Fee? Normally yes, but if you act now, you’re getting one-time access to ProfitShortz without EVER having to pay a monthly fee
  • Is Commercial License Included? YES – during the early bird launch period, It comes with commercial rights which lets you start your own video creation/editing service and sell to local & online businesses for a huge profit.
  • Do I Need Any Tech Skills Or Experience To Make This Work? NO – It is seamless and 100% newbie friendly.
  • Is Support & Training Included? Absolutely. By purchasing today you can get instant access to the ProfitShortz training portal and their 24/7 support desk.

If you are a beginner or a seasoned marketer and if you commit and follow this software then you will start to enjoy the luxury of automated FREE traffic, higher rankings and increased sales. Get ProfitShortz now and enjoy it for 30 Days. In the unlikely event that you encounter any technical issues that we are unable to rectify quickly, contact our friendly support concierge desk for a hassle free refund.

Check Details OTO :
Main Product : ProfitShortz App by Mike Mckay
OTO #1 : ProfitShortz Pro Unlimited
OTO #2 : ProfitShortz Enterprise
OTO #3 : ProfitShortz DFY Done For You
OTO #4 : ProfitShortz Reseller License
OTO #5 : ProfitShortz IMX Bundle


Posted in JVZOO

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